Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Skeet Skeet at Elm Fork Shooting Range

Skeet shooting is a great reason to head outdoors and release some stress from the following week on clay. Until recently, I had never shot a gun in my life and I have to tell you; it is the most insatiable feeling you'll get. Especially once you get the hang of it and really start shooting them one after another.

Don't worry about being an automatic pro. They offer lessons in private and groups ranging from $60- $100. I didn't do so hot my first time around... maybe 10 out of 50. Yet, the more I come here the better I get. Also, if you do not have gun don't worry. You can rent one when you get there.

Here is a picture of my first time out. Im more than sure this is not the correct posture and despite not shooting really anything that day, I had a blast! Last weekend we took the trail where they give you a golf cart and set up 10 stations that shoot the skeet through different obstacles. This was really challenging but way worth the fun and the unexpected 'coming out of no where' clay.

To all my fellow dog lovers... they are pet friendly! I would make sure you bring a leash and keep the crazy youngsters at home. (Wouldn't want any accidents)

Check out their website at for more information on prices and lessons.



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